Humidity & Temperature Chamber
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Humidity & Temperature Chamber
R0.00BK-JDJSX-120-A/B/C – Humidity & Temperature Chamber. Note 1: The standard configuration temperature and humidity controller is Korea SAMWON-TEMI300, with button input. The programs volume is 10 groupsx100 sections. The RS485 interface is used to connect to the computer for remote monitoring and control within 1.2 Km. Note 2: The Japanese UMC1200 temperature and humidity controller is optional for customer’s choice. It’s with 7’ touch screen and the program volume is 50 groupsx50 sections. The standard Ethernet interface enables remote monitoring and control within the Ethernet by the computer connected to the controller with dedicated software.
300 days historical graph data retrieve; USB port data import/export function. Note 3: Landline/Mobile telecommunication module is optional. If there’s abnormities, the notice can be sent to the user by sms or call. The user can also call the telephone number of the module to retrieve the working status of the equipment.