Controllers & Indicators
Bargraph Controllers (2)
Current & Voltage Input (1)
Dew Point Controllers (1)
In simple terms, the dew point (dew point temperature or dewpoint) is the temperature at which a given concentration of water vapor in air will form dew. More specifically it is a measure of atmospheric moisture. It is the temperature to which air must be cooled at constant pressure and water content to reach saturation. A higher dew point indicates more moisture in the air; a dew point greater than 20 °C (68 °F) is considered uncomfortable and greater than 22 °C (72 °F) is considered to be extremely humid. Frost point is the dew point when temperatures are below freezing.
Digital/Analog Controllers (1)
HMI - Human Machine Interface (1)
Large Display Controllers (1)
Multi-channel Controllers (2)
Profiling Controllers (1)
Refrigeration Controllers (4)
Stockist of Elitech and AKO Temperature Controllers
RH & Temperature Controller (1)
Wet & Dry Bulb PT100 Controller
Temperature Controllers (12)
Universal Controllers (2)