Current Loggers
Showing all 4 results
8ch Universal Input Industrial Logger
R0.00TITAN-S8 The MadgeTech Titan S8 is a portable, multi-use industrial data logger with eight probe channels and a user-friendly touchscreen interface. This versatile logger supports thermocouple, RTD or
thermistor probes to measure current, voltage, temperature and pulse in real time. This adaptability and power make Titan S8 the perfect companion for any industrial engineer, quality assurance professional,compliance officer or automotive technician. -
CurrentX Series 4, 8, 12 & 16 Channel Current Loggers
R0.00CurrentX Series are 4, 8, 12 & 16 Channel Current Loggers. They are available in 12 models covering 3 current ranges. Huge memory of 4,192,256 readings. Battery life ± 18 months with optional external power supply. Date and time stamped A, mA, μA, engineering units specified through software. Applications include 4mA to 20mA current loops and pH Recording
DL150 – True RMS AC Voltage/Current Datalogger
R0.00DL150 Extech True RMS AC Voltage/Current Data Logger
Measure True RMS AC Voltage (600V) and Current (200A), 100,000 Readings. -
DL160 – Dual Input True RMS AC Voltage/Current Datalogger
R0.00DL160 Extech Dual Input True RMS AC Voltage/Current Datalogger. Datalog up to 256,000 readings
With user programmable sample rate from 1 second to 24 hours