Wireless Loggers
Showing all 12 results
Digital Pressure Gauges
R0.00Additel 680 Digital Pressure Gauges. Up to 4200 bar pressure ranges with several accuracies with data logging and wireless download of data for all types of industries and calibration labs. This wireless unit is compatible with the Additel/Land Wireless software, which is available for a free download from our website.
RFC1000 Cloud Relay Data Transmitter
R0.00RFC1000 Cloud Relay Data logging Device. Transmits real-time and recorded data directly to the Madgetech Cloud without the need for a central computer.Each RFC1000 Cloud Relay can transmit data from up to 64 wireless data loggers, with no limit on the number of Cloud Relays that can
be connected to a MadgeTech Cloud account -
R0.00Wireless temperature logger with internal sensor. Range -20/80°C, 30,000 readings. Accuracy ± 0.5°C (0/50°C). Alarms can be sent by SMS, E-Mail or on screen display Requires IFC1000 receiver/transmitter. Real time view and one or hundreds can be connected.
ThermAlert-RH Wireless Humidity & Temperature Logger
R0.00Madgetech Wireless RH & Temperature Logger. Range -20/80°C
& 0/95% RH. 15,000 readings. Used with RFC1000 Receiver/Transmitter. Battery life ± 2 years. Range ± 150m depending on structure. -
Wireless CO2, Temperature & Humidity Logger
R0.00RFCO2RHTEMP2000A The RFCO2RHTemp2000A wireless logger can be used as a standalone logger, or may used wirelessly to transmit collected data back to a central PC for real-time monitoring. It can be used as a single wireless data logging system, or can be expanded to a large scale system including hundreds of loggers.
Wireless Data Logger Hygro Thermometer
R0.00CENTER-522 Wireless Data Logger Hygro Thermometer. The center 552 is a compact measuring instrument (wireless data logger) for measuring temperature, humidity and the pressure dew point. Recall function to instantly read-out up to 100 sets manually saved data. Min/Max/Avg recording of all channels USB interface. Large backlit LCD shows all channels on display. Measures K, J, E, T, N, R, S type thermocouples
Wireless Precision RTD Based Temperature Logger
R0.00RFRTDTEMP2000A Wireless RTD Logger with LCD Display. ± 5 year Battery life at 15 min reading rate. USB Interface with Cable. Accuracy ± 0.05°C.
Wireless RF Reciever and Repeater
R0.00RFC1000-CE Wireless RF receiver/repeater with mini USB Adapter & power supply for wireless Madgetech loggers
Wireless Temp & RH Logger
R0.00RFRHTemp2000A – Wireless temperature and humidity data logger with digital display. The RFRHTemp2000A is ideal for both industrial or laboratory applications including supply chain storage facilities, incubator monitoring and HVAC studies. Designed with external humidity and RTD based temperature sensors, the device provides a fast response time for both parameters
Wireless Temperature Logger
R0.00Wireless Temperature Logger. 32,256 readings. Range -20/60°C, Audible & Led Alarms. ± 5 year battery life. One or hundreds’s can be connected wirelessly
Wireless Thermocouple Temperature Data Logger
R0.00The RFTCTemp2000A is two-way wireless thermocouple based temperature data logger featuring a large LCD screen. This data logger is able to transmit up to 2000 feet maximum (outdoors unobstructed). The built-in memory also stores data internally for added security.