Paperless Recorders
Showing all 7 results
8ch Universal Input Industrial Logger
R0.00TITAN-S8 The MadgeTech Titan S8 is a portable, multi-use industrial data logger with eight probe channels and a user-friendly touchscreen interface. This versatile logger supports thermocouple, RTD or
thermistor probes to measure current, voltage, temperature and pulse in real time. This adaptability and power make Titan S8 the perfect companion for any industrial engineer, quality assurance professional,compliance officer or automotive technician. -
Multicon Modular Controller & Recorder
R0.00CMC-99/141 Multicon 96x96mm & 144×144 Modular Controller & Recorder. Colour touchscreen. Various optional input and output cards and communication options. RS485, Modbus options. 5 GB Internal memory.
PR10 Brainchild Paperless Recorder
R0.00PR10 144 x144mm Brainchild Paperless Recorder. All universal inputs + NTC probes and also pulse inputs. 4.3″ TFT Touch Screen. 100 mSec Sampling time
PR20 Brainchild Paperless Recorder 144x144mm
R0.00PR20 144x144mm Brainchild Paperless Recorder. All universal inputs + NTC probes and also pulse inputs. 4.6″ TFT Touch Screen. 100 mSec Sampling time.
PR30 – Brainchild Paperless Recorder 288x288mm
R0.00PR30 – Brainchild Paperless Recorder 288x288mm. All universal inputs + NTC probes and also pulse inputs. 4.3″ TFT Touch Screen. 100 mSec Sampling time.
SR45 – The first mixed control output module for MultiCon
R0.00SR45 The first mixed control output module for MultiCon – The versatility of the MultiCon CMC controller is largely based on the number of possible hardware configurations. The device has been equipped with three slots for connecting inputs / outputs, and thanks to mixed modules it can simultaneously support many different measurement standards, e.g. signals 0/4..20 mA and 0..10V. Such input modules have been part of our offer for some time now.
Now we present the first mixed control output module!
SRD-99 Multi-Log
R0.00Simex 4-20mA or RTD Recorder 96x96mm, Available with 1, 4 or 8 inputs. Includes 2 relays, 2 – 8 MB internal memory. Optional USB port or direct connection to PC. RS485/Modbus RTU. Configuration & recording software included.